Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) which is the most spoken about technology on the web today is actually not a technology in itself but a term which describes a new approach which looks into using a number of existing technologies like XHTML, CSS, Java Script, DOM, XML and the XMLHttpRequest object to develop quick website user interfaces which not only avoids reload of entire browser page but also offer lots of other responsive features.
The core component of Ajax is XMLHttpRequest that enables execution of server side code without any page refresh. Ajax can send asynchronous requests to the server using JavaScript and XMLHttpRequest object and mapping functions that will be executed when response is received.
The beauty of Ajax is that, you can execute server side code with out any page refresh. Ajax is a world of “No Page Refresh” and rich user interface like windows applications. In traditional web applications, the user actions in the user interface invoke an HTTP request to the web server. Then the server will do lot of process on the server and then returns an HTML page to the client. In Ajax applications, the request is not for GUI or HTML, It is only for data. After fetching the data, you can create the user interface from the client using JavaScript and DOM. Ajax is a client-side technology and can interact with any server side technologies such as PHP, ColdFusion,, JSP, and others.
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